Defined Contribution Retirement Plans:
For our 401(k) and 403(b) defined contribution retirement plans, we work with sponsors to provide participants with exceptional investment options. Since asset allocation determines the vast majority of variation in a portfolio’s long-term returns, we work with plan sponsors to ensure their retirement fund lineup has the appropriate investment options for participants to select and manage their individual asset allocations – giving them the best opportunity for retirement success.
Our approach to selecting investment options for retirement plans emphasizes index-centric or passively invested funds. This allows plan sponsors to effectively fulfill their fiduciary obligation while helping their participants minimize exposure to common investment fund mistakes such as manager risk, style drift, and high expense ratios. We implement an easy to understand retirement plan design with three levels of investment fund groups that allow participants to build a diversified and cost-effective portfolio, regardless of their investment knowledge and expertise.
As an independent, fee-only service provider with no proprietary funds to offer, Alesco is uniquely positioned to offer advice that is truly in the participant’s best interest.