The Waterwheel

Enhancing institutional governance: Developing a comprehensive investment spending policy for institutional investment committees

Written by Tim Tindall | May 16, 2024 2:19:08 PM

*This is the second installment in a three-part series focused on the attributes and benefits of effective institutional governance. *


In the realm of institutional governance, a well-crafted investment policy is not just beneficial; it's imperative. Serving as the bedrock upon which investment committees operate, it outlines the essential principles, goals, and procedural guidelines that steer investment decisions. The creation of a comprehensive investment policy is a pivotal step in aligning investment strategies with an organization's overarching objectives, fostering effective decision-making and risk management. Let's delve into the critical components that constitute an effective investment policy for institutional investment committees.

Establish an Investment Philosophy

At the heart of any investment policy lies its philosophy—a reflection of the committee's convictions and approach towards investing. This philosophy should encapsulate a prudent and agreeable investment stance, providing a consistent foundation for all investment decisions. It encompasses key considerations such as risk tolerance, expected returns, principles of diversification, and, if pertinent, the committee's commitment to responsible investing.

Define Long-Term Goals and Objectives

An investment policy must clearly articulate the committee's long-term investment goals, which should be in alignment with the organization's mission. These goals offer a basis for evaluating the investment performance across extended timelines and might include aspirations for portfolio growth, income generation, inflation protection, and capital preservation. Setting realistic and achievable objectives, subject to regular reviews, ensures their continued relevance and alignment with the organization's vision.

Address Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation

Critical to the investment policy is a direct statement of the committee's risk tolerance, considering the organization's financial health, investment timeline, and liquidity needs. This clarity enables the formulation of a balanced asset allocation strategy, optimizing the trade-off between risk and return. The policy should delineate the target allocations to various asset classes, reflective of the committee's risk appetite, investment horizon, and capacity to diversify.

Incorporate Distribution and Spending Requirements

If applicable, the investment policy should address distribution and spending requirements. This includes establishing guidelines for distributing investment returns to support the organization's current needs while ensuring the preservation of capital and long-term sustainability. The policy should define the frequency, methodology, and limits for distributions, ensuring they are aligned with the organization's financial objectives.

Set Performance Measurement Guidelines

To prudently assess the investment portfolio's performance, the policy must establish clear measurement criteria. This entails the selection of appropriate benchmarks or indices against which investment returns can be evaluated, mindful of the chosen asset classes and investment strategies. Additionally, it should define the evaluation period for performance assessment and detail the reporting protocols, including frequency and format.

Regular Review and Updates:

An investment policy is a dynamic document, necessitating regular reviews and updates to mirror the evolving landscape of organizational objectives, market conditions, and regulatory frameworks. The policy should include the review frequency and the amendment process, ensuring it remains aligned with the committee's goals and industry best practices.

A comprehensive investment policy is a cornerstone of effective institutional investment committee governance. By clearly defining the investment philosophy, long-term goals, risk tolerance, asset allocation, distribution requirements, and performance measurement guidelines, the committee can establish a robust framework for informed decision-making and successful investment outcomes. Regular review and updates of the investment policy will help ensure its ongoing relevance and alignment with the organization's evolving needs.

The content in this blog post is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. The data and information used in the preparation of this blog post are obtained from third-party sources believed to be reliable, but Alesco Advisors does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the data and information